
Unihouse S.A. competence once again confirmed by DIBK Norwegian Construction Authority

We are pleased to announce that we have received a decision to extend Sentral godkjenning's approval and, at the same time, to increase the classes of individual design and execution activities. The document has been issued by DIBK - the Norwegian Building Authority for a period of three years. This offers a wide range of possibilities, as the approval certifies Unihouse S.A.'s competence to perform work in the field of:


Architectural design in class 3 (ex 2),
Building physics design in class 3 (new scope),
Structural safety design in class 3,
Design of sanitary installations in class 3,
Design of fire extinguishing systems in class 3,
Design of heating and cooling systems in class 3,
Design of ventilation and air-conditioning systems in class 3,
Carrying out installation of glass structures and façade cladding in class 3 (new scope),
Carrying out assembly of metal or concrete supporting structures in class 3 (ex 2),
Carrying out masonry work in class 2,
Execution of cast-in-place reinforced concrete structures in class 3,
Making sanitary installations in class 3 (was 2),
Performing firefighting installations in class 3 (was 2),
Performing roofing work in class 3 (was 2),
Carpentry out carpentry work and installation of wooden structures in class 3 (was 2).

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