About Unihouse

Factory of modular buildings

Modular construction has been well known and used in Europe for many years. It is a great solution even on the challenging Scandinavian markets. However, it is yet to reach the peak of its popularity in Poland. UNIHOUSE is a pioneer in the construction of modern, modular timber frame buildings on the Polish market. Constructions made by our company have a wide range of applications and are perfect for various investments.
UNIHOUSE SA, is one of the largest companies in the modular construction sector on the European market thanks to our production potential of 2000 modules per year. Currently, the key market for the company is Norway. However, buildings manufactured in our Polish factory can also be found in Denmark and Sweden.

The UNIHOUSE factory is located in Bielsk Podlaski. The innovative technologies used in our factories make it possible to produce buildings consisting of up to 6 floors. Our fully computerised production lines allow us to precisely recreate any project received by our assembling machinery through fiber-optic lines. The entire building module assembly process takes place in the production hall from where completed modules or panels are transported to the construction site. As a result, a multi-family building can be erected in less than 24 hours. The factory also includes a carpentry department which fulfills orders for the factory itself as well as external customers.

UNIHOUSE is a member of the UNIBEP Group, which operates in various fields of the construction industry. It is a general contractor in Poland and abroad, providing a wide variety of road and bridge construction services. Through UNIDEVELOPMENT, it is also one of the main developers on the markets of Warsaw and Poznań.

Unibep SA from Bielsk Podlaski is one of the most important construction companies in Poland, with a 70-year long history.

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