About the company

Unibep Group

Unibep SA

Unibep SA, based in Bielsk Podlaski is now one of the largest construction companies in Poland, present on the market for 70 years. Noted on Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2008, the Company has a majority Polish capital holding.

The company has created a strong capital group for 70 years of its activity.

The Capital Group is consistently diversifying its portfolio of activities with sustained growth. Unibep SA and all associated entities are a solid and reliable business partner. The Bielsk Podlaski-based company has completed many ambitious construction projects, both in Poland and abroad.

Unihouse SA
  • ul. 3 Maja 19
    17-100 Bielsk Podlaski

  • (48 22) 300 27 97

  • (48 85) 731 80 11

  • biuro@unibep.pl

The business of the Capital Group of Unibep SA is built on five complementary segments:

  • general contracting of Unibep SA in Poland, part of which being residential construction. The Company enjoys a strong position in the area of Warsaw. The Company conducts projects associated with commercial building construction (hotels, offices, retail and service facilities) as well as industrial construction. General contracting is conducted by the parent company Unibep SA.

  • general contracting abroad (Russia, Belarus, Germany), mainly in commercial building construction. Export of construction services is being conducted by the parent company Unibep SA as well as companies and representatives present in the countries where the activity is carried out.

  • property development, conducted via Unidevelopment SA. Currently investments in Warsaw and Poznań are being realised.

  • the production of wooden panels and modules for construction and assembly of multi-family buildings and public utility facilities on the Scandinavian market (mainly Norway). Investments conducted by the Unihouse Branch in Bielsk Podlaski.

  • Road and bridge construction in north–eastern Poland, realised by the Road Department of Unibep SA. Since July 2015, Unibep SA has been a sole shareholder in the Białystok-based company Budrex–Kobi, a highly specialised enterprise that constructs bridges and culverts in an area, spanning nearly the whole of Poland.

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