Production process

Stages of construction


1. Designing with BIM

Using Unihouse’s catalogue of BIM product solutions, engineers and designers start designing from our solutions. At this stage, the needs of the project owner and future users are taken into account.


2. Manufacture of floors and ceilings

All systems necessary for the daily use of an apartment are immediately installed inside the floors and ceilings.

3. Manufacturing of walls

In most cases it is an automatic process, where wooden elements arecut according to the design, then on a special production “table” they are nailed together, subsequent layers of walls are assembled according to the design, and holes for systems are also cut out. The inside of the walls is filled with mineral wool in line with acoustic and fire requirements.

4. Assembling the modules

After the floors, walls and ceilings have been manufactured separately, the module is assembled. This is done in accordance with the detailed design for each module, which is part of a larger whole. Many specialised technicians install the necessary systems: electrical, ventilation, heating, radiators, doors, windows and other necessary equipment.

5. Finishing works

Once all the services are assembled, it’s time for the finishing work. Walls and ceilings are painted and glazed tiling is laid. Parquet floor and terracotta are laid. The finish is according to the client’s order and possible changes to be made by future tenants.

6. Assembly of kitchen furniture, bathroom fittings

The modules are fully equipped with kitchen furniture and household appliances. The customer can choose a set and colour of kitchen furniture and bathroom fittings - shower cabins, washbasins, glazed tiles, terracotta and other.

7. Transport of finished modules

Assembled, finished and equipped modules are transported by truck and, if necessary, by ship to the construction site.


8. Assembly of modules on the construction site

When the modules arrive at the construction site, they are directly assembled, one on top of the other, with the use of a crane and then joined together to form the building structure.

9. Final result

Modules are assembled and buildings are “turnkey” ready.

How can a building be constructed in a fast and modern way?

The answer is simple: using timber framing technology and modern computer-controlled machines, in an industrial facility, from which fully equipped modules are transported to the construction site.

The modules are assembled and finished in the factory, even being equipped with lighting, bathroom and kitchen furniture, as well as sanitary fixtures and household appliances. Modules can be up to 14m long and 4.2m wide. A single module can be used as a separate, small flat. In the case when a larger area is required, between 1.5 and 2 modules can be combined.

Due to their oversized dimensions, the transportation of modules and their placement is performed at night. Using a crane, the modules are stacked one upon the other like bricks, creating a block with several flats within 4 or 5 nights.
Modular technology is very fast. Modular construction in Poland is still something new and UNIHOUSE is a pioneer in this very modern technology.

Timber framing technology is very popular in Scandinavia, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and is also called Scandinavian or German technology (not to be mistaken with the less industrial Canadian technology).

Applications (modular construction)

  • hotels and motels

  • dormitories

  • kindergartens

  • nurseries

  • multi-family buildings (up to 6 floors)

  • outpatient clinics

  • nursing homes

  • detached-house estates

  • all-season, recreation villages

  • strip malls lub shopping complexes

  • office buildings

  • auxiliary facilities for outdoor sport facilities

  • sports villages

Standard of finish

The essence of the technology

The load-bearing structure is a timber frame filled with mineral wool and finished from the inside with gypsum boards and either painted or wallpapered (wall tiles, in the case of bathrooms). From the side of the elevation, the framing is additionally insulated and coated with mineral plaster, timber cladding or clinker brick.

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