
Unihouse SA: Polish premiere of painting work by Leon Tarasewicz

On August 18th, 2021 at noon in the production hall of Modular House Factory Unihouse SA in Bielsk Podlaski will take place the Polish premiere of the new work of Prof. Leon Tarasewicz, one of the most famous modern painters. It will be presented in the Polish Pavilion during the World Expo 2020 in Dubai. 

The size of the painting is 13,5 by 3,4 meters, which gives almost 46 square meters of surface. It is the largest work of art that Professor Tarasewicz has ever painted on canvas. It was created for over two weeks - almost every day the master spent several hours in the Unihouse hall, realizing his vision of the work. 

Today, a special conference will be attended by Prof. Leon Tarasewicz, Marshal of Podlasie Artur Kosicki, a representative of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency and Jan Mikołuszko, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Unibep SA,

Direct reports from the conference will be posted on the facebook profiles of Podlaskie Voivodeship and Unihouse SA.

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