
Unihouse SA rewarded the most talented students.

On the road to career! At Unihouse, as well as the environment and the development of modular construction, we care about the future of young, ambitious people.

Last month, Practical Training Instructors and a representative of the Unibep HR Department were present at the end of the 2020/2021 school year in the Marshal Józef Klemens Piłsudski School Complex No. 1 in Bielsk Podlaski. Unihouse rewarded 21 of the best students of technical school and vocational school who were taking part in the apprenticeship in the factory.

We are very glad that cooperation with our company and Danwood SA allowed the students to realize many interesting initiatives, even though it was a difficult year in pandemic.

We keep our fingers crossed for their further successes!

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