
About the Unibep Group on TV channel "Parkiet TV"

Leszek Marek Gołąbiecki, president of the management board of the Unibep SA, was a guest in a TV programme called „Prosto z Parkietu” (stock exchange news) on stock-exchange dedicated TV channel "Parkiet TV" led by Adam Roguski. He answered questions related to a large framework contract on the Swedish market concerning construction of social rental houses from modules manufactured by Unihouse and talked about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the construction industry.

Adam Roguski, the host of the programme, also inquired about investments of the Unibep SA abroad, in Belarus and Ukraine, and about the situation in the development construction segment and private investors’ orders.

President Leszek Gołąbiecki during the interview also talked about the current situation of the Unibep Group. The whole conversation took approx. 20 minutes and it was an online interview.


We invite you to listen by clicking the link below:

 Interview with the President of the Unibep Group


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