
Unihouse at Warsaw Humanitarian Expo 2019

On 11-13 June 2019 in Nadarzyn near Warsaw, the International Trade Fair for Humanitarian and Development Aid was held - the first in Poland and the only event in Central and Eastern Europe combining fair and conference on humanitarian and developmental issues.

Warsaw Humanitarian Expo is an opportunity to meet and present products and services of the United Nations, international organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations providing humanitarian aid. The event also includes conferences, seminars and one-on-one talks, which are a unique opportunity to establish direct contact with representatives of aid organizations.

Unihouse, as a member of the Polish Cluster of Construction Exporters, has presented at the stand the project of an export product of the Cluster - a Polish Modular Hospital. The concept was developed based on Unihouse technology - wooden frame construction.

The President of the Republic of Poland took the honorary patronage over this event. During the inaugural address, the President spoke about Poland's significant role in humanitarian activities in the world. - In Poland we have great and innovative companies that produce advanced products that are greatly needed in providing humanitarian aid, such as modular houses, drones or therapeutic food. Unfortunately, often companies operating in sectors that are extremely important for providing help, such as logistics, communication or food safety do not realize how much their involvement can be and is needed - said President Andrzej Duda.

In the picture the visualization of the Polish Modular Hospital, developed by the Design Lab architectural studio.

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