
"Mickiewicz's apartments" with the building certificate

On 13.05.2019, The District Construction Supervision Inspectorate in Bielsk Podlaski granted the building certificate for two multi-family residential buildings with an internal mechanical ventilation installation and the necessary infrastructure, located on land plots geodesic numbers 5191/12 and 5191/13, located in Bielsk Podlaski at Mickiewicza Street.

The Buyers will be able to enter their apartments already in June this year.

Let us remind that the assembly of "Mickiewicz's apartments" made in the panel technology in a wooden frame, containing 48 premises, began on October 8, 2018 and lasted only 12 days. After 8 months from the start of construction, the apartments are ready for reception.

- We went through the entire construction process without any major problems and most importantly, we met the deadlines specified in the agreement - says Łukasz Kowalczuk, the manager of the construction of "Mickiewicz's apartments".

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