
Apartments in Bielsk Podlaski

The implementation of investment "Mickiewicz's apartments" in Bielsk Podlaski is underway.

Construction works began in the third quarter of 2018, and the completion and acceptance of works is planned for the second quarter of 2019.

"Mickiewicz's apartments" are two identical buildings constructed in panel technology comprising of 4 overground storeys. Each of them comprises 24 apartments with sizes from 31 to 68 m2. The buildings have been equipped with an elevator and the ground floor apartments come with spacious gardens.

These are the first multi-family residential buildings constructed by Unihouse in Poland. The location of the investment in Bielsk Podlaski, the city where the company's seat and the factory is located, is of great marketing importance. The Mickiewicz's apartments is a realization that gives Poles the opportunity to get to know the multi-family wooden houses and to move into one of them. This is a kind of hallmark marking the beginning of the company's business development on the domestic market.

The investor is Unidevelopment, a company of the Unibep Group with its registered office in Warsaw.

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