
Unihouse: It's time for the Polish market

A seminar and a panel discussion titled "The prefabricated ecological construction of Unihouse: quality, innovation, advantages" was held during the Building Industry Solutions 2018 fairs in Nadarzyn. The organizer of the Seminar was Unihouse branch of Unibep SA.

Several dozen people invited by Unibep took part in the seminar. They were, i.a. scientists, financiers, developers and engineers. Prof. Jarosław Szewczyk from the Faculty of Architecture of the Białystok University of Technology in his speech tempted the thesis that wooden construction is gaining more and more supporters among the prominent world architects, and wooden buildings can reach the height of even over 300 meters. In turn, Marta Nazarczuk from the Research and Development Department of Unihouse has proved that wooden structures have many advantages in comparison with constructions implemented according to traditional construction technologies.

So far, in Norway, Unihouse has already built over 2,200 flats, and several hundred are under construction. The modular buildings of Unihouse can also be found in Denmark and Sweden. Poland is another market where Unihouse wants to construct from prefabricated components manufactured in Bielsk Podlaski.

In the photo (from the left): Mirosław Barszcz, the President of the Management Board of BGK Nieruchomości SA, Katarzyna Kuniewicz, the Market Research and Analysis Department, Partner REAS Sp. z o.o., Jan Mikołuszko, the President of the Supervisory Board of Unibep SA, Adam Poliński, the former vice-president of the city of Białystok and dr hab. arch. Jarosław Szewczyk, prof. of the Białystok University of Technology, Marek Wielgo, editor-in-chief of the Muratorplus.pl web portal.

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