
Production at European level in a growing bigger factory

More than 100 people - developers from Norway, investors from Sweden, academic staff of architecture and construction departments at the Bialystok University of Technology, financiers, heads of cooperating companies and employees of Unihouse Branch Unibep SA - took part in the seminar "Modular construction: quality, ecology, innovation", which took place on May 8, 2018 in the Factory for Modular Houses in Bielsk Podlaski.

The seminar was combined with the official opening of a production hall with the area of 8,000 square meters. The total surface area of the halls in the Unihouse Modular House Factory is currently 19,000. m2.

Improving efficiency
- “The extension of Unihouse comes with an increase in employment. We will need additionally about 100 employees. More than 500 people already work at Unihouse.” Adds Roman Jakubowski, Unihouse director. “We offer stable and solid working conditions”.

New markets
So far, Unihouse has already built more than 2,200 apartments (mainly in Norway), and several hundred are under construction. If we add to this the contract with CRAMO, which in three years has ordered at Unihouse 1,900 modules and the opening of the Swedish market (the first task under a large framework contract - Tumba project) was implemented, then it turns out that the factory must systematically increase its production capacity.

New products
- “We also have many ideas for new products built at Unihouse - says Roman Jakubowski. - We are working on a cheap building that uses our technology. This product will also be intended for the Polish market and it may become competitive in relation to traditional construction, especially in the situation of an increasingly noticeable shortage of qualified employees.

Our Research and Development Department, within the framework of the EU subsidy, will build a zero-energy house in Bielsk Podlaski, which in the future will allow us to produce very ecological modules, including passive houses. We are also working on the construction of higher and higher buildings, which for developers, in the case of rising land prices, is very important. We are also constantly developing panel production, including prefabrication of ready-made elements”.

Seminar on the future of modular construction
The official opening of a modern production hall was combined with the seminar on wooden construction, including modular construction.

In the picture: The key moment of the seminar was cutting the ribbon in the newly built factory. Representatives of business, science and self-government took part in it.

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