
A zero-energy multi-family building will be built at Unihouse, Bielsk Podlaski

On the 10th of August 2017 representatives of Unibep SA and members of the government of the Podlaskie province concluded an agreement on the execution of a R&D project which shall result in creating a prototypical residential building that is energy self-sufficient. The conclusion of the agreement provided an opportunity to discuss plans concerning the development of a Unihouse Modular Houses Factory in Bielsk Podlaski.

A subsidy provided by Regional Operational Programme will help develop and implement the manufacture of modules used for building multi-family houses at Unihouse, Bielsk Podlaski. With the use of such modules, blocks of flats of a few stories each, will be zero-energy - self-sufficient in terms of energy. The R&D works are mainly focused on developing new solutions in terms of building isolation and acoustics, as well as improving its temperature and humidity parameters.

The project is expected to result in a prototype of such building and will be tested in various ways later on. The test will check if the developed solutions work in real life and will thus enable their improvement.

It is vital to mention that the project by Unibep SA is compatible with both the Development Strategy in the Podlaskie Province until 2020 and with the concept of the development of the region through sustainable ideas.

The total value of the project amounts to PLN 4.5 mln. Financial support from the Regional Operational Programme of the Podlaskie Province amounts to PLN 2.4 mln. The project is expected to be completed in November 2019.

On behalf of the government of the province the agreement was signed by vice-marshals: Maciej Żywno and Anna Naszkiewicz and, on behalf of Unibep SA, by the president of the management board, Leszek Gołąbiecki.

Unihouse increases manufacturing capacities and employment

Economical, pretty and unique – words to describe the multi-family buildings constructed with the modular technology produced by Unihouse, branch of Unibep SA in Bielsk Podlaski. They have rocked the Norwegian market and are also gaining popularity in Sweden. Our products comply with global norms on ecology, noise level and tightness — says Roman Jakubowski, Unihouse Director. In the following months, the company plans to extend the Modular Houses Factory in Bielsk Podlaski and to employ new workers - up to 100 people.

Unihouse, branch of Unibep SA, has been offering its products - multi-family modular residential buildings – in Norway for years, the first of such projects was completed in 2009. In Norway, Unihouse has already built multi-storey blocks with more than 1,300 flats, and a further 400 are under construction. Investments were carried out, among others, in Oslo, Stavanger, Alesund, Trondheim, but also at the Arctic Circle — in Tromso.

In 2017, Unihouse concluded the first contract on erecting a multi-family house in Sweden. Until the end of 2017, Unihouse plans to build 58 apartments within the framework programme of the Swedish local government (AB Botkyrkabyggen with its registered office in Tumba, Swede acts as the contracting party). The commune plans to build the total of 325 apartments in 3 years. What is more, Unihouse manufactures modules for a large European company - CRAMO. Unihouse is expected to manufacture 1900 modules in four years. Such a number of modules enables building apartments, offices, kindergartens, etc. 

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