There are developments in Norway, Sweden, and interest and enquiries from other regions of Europe – Unihouse, a Unibep branch, will face a big challenge to meet the expectations of an increasing number of customers.
All day long, the work continues in the factory for modular houses in Bielsk Podlaski. The objective is to produce, on time, quality modules, which will be used for multi-family buildings, mainly in Norway. So far we have built over 1700 residential units in this Scandinavian country, and over 300 are under construction. In addition, we have a contract with the CRAMO Company, which is to buy 1900 modules from us in the next three years. Also, the Swedish market opened up for us, so it turned out that our factory had to systematically increase its manufacturing capacity. And this has been put into practice – on 7 October 2016, an opening ceremony was held for the recently built Unihouse production floor. The floor was laid very quickly and is located between two existing buildings. It is 10 metres high, and the total area of combined floors equals 1900 sq. m.
Last year Unibep SA bought a large plot of land located near the current factory, with development in view. During the Unibep SA Board of Directors’ meeting in June, the decision was made to expand the factory in Bielsk Podlaski again.
“We need to increase the plant's manufacturing capacity, as the demand for Unihouse modules is growing every year”, says Andrzej Bogus, Unihouse Production Director. “New markets are opening, mainly Sweden, where there is a great demand for green, quickly-constructed, residential buildings.” Yet, Unihouse's products are also being purchased on other European markets. This investment project provides for an increase in capacity from the 1000 modules per year produced today to the target value of about 1600 modules per year.
The entire investment programme is worth approximately PLN 18 million. One of the objectives is that the new part of the factory will be completed and commissioned in stages. The facilities to be built are access roads, storage yards, logistics and warehouse infrastructure, and a factory floor with equipment. The completion of the investment is scheduled for the end of 2017.