
Unihouse is to implement the Kantorn 2 project in Sweden

Unihouse is to carry out a 58-residential-unit project in four two-storey buildings in the municipality of Botkyrka in Sweden. The investment project value is just over PLN 12 mln.

The investor is the property developer owned by Botkyrka Kommun, AB Botkyrkabyggen. The project is called Kvarteret Kantorn 2, and is situated in Tumba, near Stockholm, in the Botkyrka commune. The project will be implemented under the programme “Modulbostäder 2017 för AB Botkyrkabyggen”.

The “Kantorn 2” project consists of 58 modular units, each with an area of 32 m2, and fitted with a laundry and an additional room. The total living space is about 1850 m2. Under a separate contract, excavation and foundation works will be carried out.
The value of the project to be implemented by Unibep S.A. is ca. SEK 28.39 mln net (ca. PLN 12.2 mln). The project will initially be used by AB Botkyrkabyggen to accommodate people who have been granted residence permits in Sweden, and, 5 years later, the units will be used as student hostels or social housing for young people. The Contracting Entity, AB Botkyrkabyggen, expects the project to be completed by autumn 2017.

This is the first project under the Modulbostäder 2017 programme. The programme includes a 3-year master agreement, with a renewed competition for subsequent similar projects to build about 125 residential units per year. We are part of this project – the total value of the investment, i.e. the building of a total of 375 units, is PLN 112 million.

Unibep S.A. is the first Polish company on the Swedish market which is carrying out works as a General Contractor to deliver the modular part of a project with similar scope under the multiannual master programme.

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