
An award for modular construction

Unibep SA. was awarded with the prestigious “Diamond of Infrastructure and Construction” in the category Innovation Leader of the Year. The prize was given on 8 February during the ceremonial gala closing the Conference entitled “Polish Infrastructure and Construction”.

Unibep S.A. had put forward for the competition its modular buildings, which are manufactured in the factory in Bielsk Podlaski. Multi-family houses, including passive houses, are mounted out of modular buildings. The main market for modular constructions is Norway (we have built there about 1600 modular flats, more than 300 is under construction), we have also started to execute investments in Sweden (a contract for the construction of a multi-family house was signed in January).

The Conference “Polish Infrastructure and Construction” is the most important event gathering market leaders of the infrastructure and construction sectors in Poland. Leaders of the biggest construction companies in Poland were present on the meeting, which was held in The Westin hotel in Warsaw. The participants discussed, among the others, the future of public and private projects in Poland, construction industry development prospects, in particular regarding the road industry and management of intelligent cities.

On the photo: representatives of the awarded companies

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