
Unibep SA has issued bonds valued at 30 million PLN

Unibep has issued three-year, unsecured D series bonds with a total nominal value of 30 million PLN. The bonds are subject to variable interest based on the WIBOR 6M reference rate, increased by a margin of 2.50% per annum. The organiser of the issue and the issuing agent was Dom Maklerski Navigator SA.

- We are very pleased with the result of the issue and the margin level which we achieved. The strong interest in bonds indicates that investors trust us and believe in our business projects. The obtained funds will accelerate the Group’s growth, especially helping to even more dynamically build our property development business - said Sławomir Kiszycki, Vice President, Financial Chief of Unibep SA (second from the right in the photo).

- The good financial situation of the Unibep Group, the ongoing and planned projects and the strategy chosen by the management of the company have convinced investors to invest in company bonds. Unibep also managed to maintain a low margin level despite BREXIT and other events adversely affecting the capital market in Poland. The offer attracted a lot of institutional investors and it was necessary to reduce the subscriptions. - said Mateusz Mucha, Manager at Dom Maklerski Navigator SA, responsible for the department of corporate bonds.

The Unibep Group operates in the residential, industrial, public and sports construction sectors, builds multi-family buildings in modular technology, is active on the real estate development market in Warsaw and Poznan, and supports the road-bridge sector mainly in north-eastern Poland. It operates in Poland, Scandinavia, Germany and Eastern Europe. Unibep’s consolidated revenue reached 1,243 million PLN in 2015.

The photo presents the management board of Unibep SA (from the left): Leszek Gołąbiecki, CEO, Jan Piotrowski, board member, Sales Director, Slawomir Kiszycki, Executive Vice President, CFO, Martin Drobek, board member, Director of construction.

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