
The cornerstone of "Aura Sky" was laid on

On 14 January, the foundation act was officially signed and the cornerstone of the 26-storey residential building "Aura Sky" was laid the following day. In Warsaw's district of Praga-Południe, at the junction of Ostrobramska Street and Radziewiczówny Street - where there was once Kibbutz Grochów - 576 apartments will be built. It will be the tallest building in the Eastern-bank of Warsaw. 

The investment’s general contractor is UNIBEP S.A..

Mill-Yon is part of the ILDC Group, which has been active in real property development across every continent for over 100 years. ILDC is one of the top Israeli companies and has been listed on the Stock Exchange since 1953. Apart from the housing sector, it is involved in investments in commercial centres, industrial property and hotels (details: http:// ildc.co.il/).

UNIBEP Group is a top construction company with Polish capital. It builds in Poland and abroad, in such countries as Russia, Belarus and Germany. It is active in the following sectors: general contracting, modular construction, highway engineering and real property development. The company has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange from 2008.


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