
Our offer for S8 was selected chosen and the agreement has been signed

The consortium created by Unibep SA and PORR Polska Infrastructure SA made the most cost effective offer for the construction of the Masovian parts of the express road S8, a project from the General Board of National Roads and Motorways Branch in Białystok.

The object of the tender was a section of S8 – from the node Poręba (without the node) – to the ring road of Ostrowia Mazowiecka. We are ready to build a 16-kilometer-long section for PLN 404.46 mln. The tender process began on 12 November 2015.

Signing the agreement with the General Board for National Roads and Motorways in Białystok took place on 17 February 2016. Soon our builders will start work on the S8 expressway.

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