
Cookie policy

This site uses cookies to store information on your computer. By using this site you agree to the placement of cookies on your computer in accordance with the terms of this policy. If you do not wish to accept cookies from this site please disable cookies or refrain from using this site.

What are cookies?
A cookie is a text file stored on your web browser when you access a website. It enables a website provider to identify your computer device so that the website can be displayed according to your preferences. Also, it remembers if you’ve previously visited a website visited and is recognized when you return.

Why are cookies used?
Cookies store useful information and are used for adjusting the display of website content to ensure a good experience on the web. They are used especially for:

  • allowing you to stay logged in to a website
  • adjusting a website’s content to your preferences, especially the files that allow the recognition of the device you are using
  • creating statistics which help a website provider to understand how their website is used, supporting the improvement of their structure and content (Google Analytics).

Types of cookies

There are two types of cookies known as ‘persistent’ and ‘session’. Persistent cookies remain on your hard drive for time specified in cookies files parameters or until they are manually removed. Session cookies, on the other hand, are used temporarily and they expire once a website or a browser is closed.

Refusing cookies on this site
Most browsers are set to accept cookies. However, you have the ability to disable cookies through changing your internet software browsing settings. It may also be possible to configure your browser settings to enable acceptance of specific cookies, or to notify you each time a new cookie is about to be stored on your computer enabling you to decide whether to accept or reject the cookie. Detailed information about cookies is available in the settings of each browser.

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Cookies user preferences
We use cookies to ensure you to get the best experience on our website. If you decline the use of cookies, this website may not function as expected.
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Analityczne pliki cookies
Te pliki cookie mają na celu w szczególności uzyskanie przez administratora serwisu wiedzy na temat statystyk dotyczących ruchu na stronie i źródła odwiedzin. Zazwyczaj zbieranie tych danych odbywa się anonimowo.
Google Analytics
Niezbędne pliki cookies
Te pliki cookie są konieczne do prawidłowego działania serwisu dlatego też nie można ich wyłączyć z tego poziomu, korzystanie z tych plików nie wiąże się z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych. W ustawieniach przeglądarki możliwe jest ich wyłączenie co może jednak zakłócić prawidłowe działanie serwisu.